For asbestos assessments in Cape Town, Ingozi Management is an approved health and safety consultant for asbestos assessment and removal in Cape Town, Western Cape.
Occupational Health & Safety Act (OHSA) (Act 85 of 1993), and Asbestos Abatement Regulations Nov 2020 govern asbestos.
Asbestos can only be removed and disposed of by a Level 3 Registered Asbestos Contractor.
Ingozi ensures your contractor complies with Regulations and the OHSA.
We offer services using industry approved AIA partners. We can, therefore, assist with Asbestos Inventories and Assessments to ensure asbestos contractors safely handle, remove and dispose of asbestos and help to ensure asbestos contractors safely handle, remove and dispose of asbestos according to legislation.
Asbestos assessment in Cape Town
Ingozi ensures compliance with the new Asbestos Abatement Regulations November 2020 which regulates the removal of asbestos from all buildings in South Africa. Ingozi
In November 2020 the Asbestos Abatement Regulations was passed giving building owners until May 2022 to assess all asbestos on their buildings and to draft an asbestos inventory.
Asbestos containing materials are typically found on or in:
- Asbestos roofs
- Asbestos gutters
- Asbestos roof tiles
- Asbestos roof sheets
- Asbestos ceilings
- Asbestos heating appliances, such as wall heaters.
It is best to employ a competent person, preferably a health and safety officer with the skills and experience to identify asbestos and asbestos containing material. This person will be able to do an asbestos assessment and asbestos inventory to ensure your building is asbestos compliant.
Health and safety consultants will refer an asbestos contractor who is a Type 1, 2 or 3 Registered Asbestos Contractor and who is also an asbestos specialist in the removal and disposal of asbestos to handle all asbestos on your building.
Asbestos Abatement Regulations 2020
Ingozi Management Health and Safety Consultants.
Asbestos is finally on its way out: the law says so.
Type 1 asbestos. – painting asbestos products that does not need preparation. The removal of less than 10 square meters of asbestos. This work does not need the contractor to be a registered asbestos contractor.
Type 2 asbestos. The repair/encapsulation of asbestos products in a way that does need preparation. The contractor has to be a Type 2 registered asbestos contractor. Type 2 registered asbestos contractors may also not remove asbestos lagging material.
Type 3 asbestos includes the removal or repair of any asbestos material. Therefore the contractor must be a type 3 registered asbestos contractor.
Owners responsibilities
Identify asbestos by employing a competent person with knowledge of asbestos.
Do a risk assessment to assess the dangers. If there is damage it will run the risk of asbestos fibres released into the air.
Provide a written inventory of asbestos on the building. (To the Approved Inspection Authority and a Registered Asbestos Contractor)
Draft an asbestos management plan.
The building owner must to appoint an Approved Inspection Authority and also an Asbestos Contractor.
Department of Employment and Labour must advised of any asbestos. Written approval must received before commencement of asbestos work.
Asbestos Assessment Cape Town by Ingozi.