Ingozi Management implements and maintains management systems that enable our clients to address all aspects of economic growth and to ensure the reliability of adopting all legislative requirements while embracing the ethical argument of maintaining zero harm to all persons affected by an organisation’s activities. A strong moral obligation strengthens business values, contributes to staff morale and ultimately changes behaviour, which forms the foundation of a company’s success. At Ingozi Management, we maximise our client’s performance while ensuring a positive return on investment and improved productivity and profitability.



Ingozi Management offers services using industry approved AIA partners. We can assist with Asbestos Inventories and Assessments to ensure asbestos contractors safely handle, remove and dispose of asbestos and help to ensure asbestos contractors safely handle, remove and dispose of asbestos according to legislation.

Ingozi ensures compliance with the new Asbestos Abatement Regulations November 2020 which regulates the removal of asbestos from all buildings in South Africa.

In November 2020 the Asbestos Abatement Regulations was passed giving building owners until May 2022 to assess all asbestos on their buildings and to draft an asbestos inventory.

Asbestos containing materials are typically found on or in:

  • Asbestos roofs
  • Asbestos gutters
  • Asbestos roof tiles
  • Asbestos roof sheets
  • Asbestos ceilings

Asbestos heating appliances, such as wall heaters.

It is best to employ a competent person, preferably a health and safety officer with the skills and experience to identify asbestos and asbestos containing material. This person will be able to do an asbestos assessment and asbestos inventory to ensure your building is asbestos compliant.

Health and safety consultants will refer an asbestos contractor who is a Type 1, 2 or 3 Registered Asbestos Contractor and who is also an asbestos specialist in the removal and disposal of asbestos to handle all asbestos on your building.

Safety management


  • Client specification and baseline and issue-based risk assessment development
  • Compile Health & Safety Specification that covers all legal compliance on a project and permit applications when required by clients.
  • Baseline risk assessments establish a risk profile or a set of risk profiles.
  • Issue-based risk assessments result in the development of action plans for the treatment of significant operational risk specific to the project requirements.

System Implementation

A broad spectrum of various systems implemented to assist clients with proactive management of all OHS activities, including assistance with ISO 45001.

Hazard Operational Studies (HAZOP) identifies and evaluates potential hazards that may present risks to workers or equipment.

Building needs analysis Ingozi Management assesses a building’s health and safety needs and provides a detailed report to ensure compliance.

SHE Management Systems. Ingozi Management offers precise, tailored SHE Files to ensure site health and safety is compliant with the OHS Act and Labour Law.

Asbestos safety requires site safety
When removing asbestos, contractors must still ensure the site is safe for workers

Project safety


Project Safety management: Ingozi Management’s expert team of Occupational Health and Safety Officers and Managers ensures health and safety compliance.

Client contractor assistance: Clients appointing contractors are legally obliged to ensure site health and safety. We act as our clients agent to ensure all appointed contractors comply with client SHE Specifications. Services rendered to Contractors include all requirements provided by the client.

Occupational Hygiene Surveys ensure that employers meet OHS Act standards in health and safety. The emphasis is on prevention and is designed to detect potential workplace hazards before irreversible health effects occur.

Advice & Consulting

Training needs analysis assesses qualifications and skills required on sites and provides a training needs report for each project, facility or plant.

Incident management and investigations: An incident is an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, operations. Incident management identifies, analyses, and corrects hazards to prevent incidents.

Compliance auditing. Ingozi Management offers compliance auditing to ensure all businesses remain compliant.